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This repo use long-term series remote sensing image data obtained by LLR and LT for time series clustering and classification based on deep learning.


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This repo use time series remote sensing image data obtained by LLR&LT for time series clustering and classification based on deep learning.


🤗STEP 1: Collect Data

Using ee-LandsatLinkr tools in GEE platform or python scrips developed by Justin Braaten & Annie Taylor.

  • Option 1: Collect data with google colab🍕

    Click me to get it!⚓ Click here to use it

  • Option 2: Collect data in Google Earth Engine🌏

    Follow these steps to complete your data collection, follow this code according to LLR official tutorial. You can get all years RS images processed by LandTrendr in this code.

    • View WRS-1 granules - figure out what WRS-1 granule to process
    • Make a processing dir
    • Create MSS WRS-1 reference image - for MSS WRS1 to MSS WRS2 harmonization
    • View WRS-1 collection - identify bad MSS images
    • Prepare MSS WRS-1 images
    • Get TM-to-MSS correction coefficients.
    • Export MSS-to-TM corrected images
    • Inspect the full time series collection - explore time series via animation and inspector tool to check for noise
    • Run LandTrendr and display the fitted collection on the map
    • Display the year and magnitude of the greatest disturbance during the time series

    If you don't need original data, all you want is just fitted data, follow this code (RECOMMENDED)

the tutorial is detailed enough, you will get study area data named LandTrendr you needed if you follow it step by step in asset file folder within your GEE account. you need to storage data in Google Drive before you download it to local(because gee doesn't support you download to local directly). you can follow this code to check data and download it to Drive:

var lt = ee.Image('projects/your_account_name/assets/LandsatLinkr/granules_IDs/landtrendr');
// 50 Years! 
var start_yr = 1972;
var end_yr = 2022;
var ltr ='LandTrendr');

// Create the all years image collection from the LandTrendr output
var fittedRGBCols = llr.getFittedRgbCol(lt, start_yr, end_yr, rgb_bands, vis_params);

// Get the ImageCollection
var collection = ee.ImageCollection(fittedRGBCols.rgb); // replace 'rgb' with the actual ID of your ImageCollection

var batch = require('users/fitoprincipe/geetools:batch')
batch.Download.ImageCollection.toDrive(collection,"041032", {
	scale: 30,
	region: geometry,
	type:"float" });

you also can use this tool developed by Justin Braaten to see the change of your study area.

Congratulations!㊗️ As now you have got the original data!🎆

If you want to do some preprocess to original data(means that you have obtained original images after running the official code), then using LT(written as IDL) in local environment, just see step2. But LLR may don't work in some region you are interested if you follow LT official tutorial, if it's not need for you to obtain images before 1986, we modify source code to help you achieve this and get change map, you can get it here.

Or you want to get fitted data by LT-processed directly in GEE, you can follow this code and skip step2 and go to step3 after you have completed this step. Now you can get fitted data follow this code after you have stored asset LandTrendr in your gee account.

Here is a demo shows that how to export fitted data and change map after you have obtained LandTrendr asset in your gee account:

var lt = ee.Image('projects/your_account_name/assets/LandsatLinkr/041032/landtrendr');
var start_yr = 1972;
var end_yr = 2022;
var years = []; // make an empty array to hold year band names
for (var i = start_yr; i <= end_yr; ++i) years.push('yr'+i.toString()); // fill the array with years from the startYear to the endYear and convert them to string
var ltr ='ndvi_fit'); // just select fitted bands as you want
var ndvi_ftv_Stack = ltr.arrayFlatten([years]);// flatten this out into bands, assigning the year as the band name

// export change map
// Change Event Detection Year: ('yod' year)
// Magnitude of the change event: (absolute value of the spectrum increment of the 'mag' change event)
// Duration of Change Event: ('dur' years)
// Event Spectral Value Before Change: ('preval' Spectral Value)
// Spectral rate of change of event 'rate'( mag/dur)
// DSNR 'dsnr' (mag/fit rmse) multiplied by 100 to preserve the two-digit decimal precision of the Int16 data.
see change map code in this repo


These steps will cost lots of time, keep patient🛏️.

😇STEP 2: Fit Change Curve(optional)

  • use IDL code to execute LandTrendr1

    • we develop a GUI to help users to use it.

    • you'd better know what's meanings of these parameters before run it, following below intro:

      Parameter Type Default Definition
      maxSegments Integer Maximum number of segments to be fitted on the time series
      spikeThreshold Float 0.9 Threshold for dampening the spikes (1.0 means no dampening)
      vertexCountOvershoot Integer 3 The inital model can overshoot the maxSegments + 1 vertices by this amount. Later, it will be prunned down to maxSegments + 1
      preventOneYearRecovery Boolean false Prevent segments that represent one year recoveries
      recoveryThreshold Float 0.25 If a segment has a recovery rate faster than 1/recoveryThreshold (in years), then the segment is disallowed
      pvalThreshold Float 0.1 If the p-value of the fitted model exceeds this threshold, then the current model is discarded and another one is fitted using the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer
      bestModelProportion Float 1.25 Takes the model with most vertices that has a p-value that is at most this proportion away from the model with lowest p-value
      minObservationsNeeded Integer 6 Min observations needed to perform output fitting
    • now see what we get

      • fitted curve
      • vertices and values, like [1972, 1999, 2002, 2021]
      • final segments
      • p value(lower is better)
      • f statistic(bigger is better)

    • apply LT to all image, we get time series in 3 bands(ndvi/tcg/tcw), a random sample in Salty Lake City as example

    • but LT may be disable in some data (AKA noise), so after executing LT we had better apply a median filtering.

    Congratulations! As now you have got the processed data after LT algorithm!🤞 If you want to know more infomation about LandTrendr algorithm, we recommend you follow this link🥳

    🤖STEP 3: Time Series Clustering

    In this step we use KShape2 algorothm to achieve our ts data clustering. Before we begain, we'd better know what's KShape?

    Intro KShape

    The KShape clustering method is a clustering algorithm based on time series data. It groups time series into different clusters by calculating the similarity between them. The key to the KShape clustering method is to match the shape of the time series, not just the numerical value. This enables KShape to discover time series that have similar shapes but not necessarily similar values. The KShape clustering method has wide applications in data analysis in various fields, including finance, medical and weather prediction.The basic steps of the KShape clustering method include:

    • Select the time series data set to cluster.
    • Calculate the similarity between time series, usually using methods such as dynamic time warping (DTW).
    • Clustering based on similarity, commonly used methods include k-means algorithm.
    • Analyze the clustering results and perform further interpretation and application as needed.

    Usage in python

    There are two ways to use KShape by python

  • KShape integrated in tslearn(only CPU engage in calulation) there is a simple example:

    from tslearn.clustering import KShape
    def kshape_cpu(X, k):
      print('begin kshape....\n')
      seed = 0
      ksc = KShape(n_clusters=k, n_init=5, verbose=True, random_state=seed)
      print('\nend kshape\n')
      return ksc
  • Independent KShape lib(you can call GPU to accelerate calculation efficiency) there is a simple example:

     from kshape import KShapeClusteringGPU
     def kshape_gpu(X,k):
       print('begin kshape gpu...\n')
       ksg = KShapeClusteringGPU(n_clusters=k), axis=2))
       print('\nend kshape gpu...')
       return ksg

    Elbow Law

    before we run KShape code, we need to define fixed number of clustering, for this we use Elbow Law to check probable number of clustering.

         distortions = []
         for i in range(4, 8):
             print('cluster num:', i, '\n-------------')
             ks = KShape(n_clusters=i, n_init=5, verbose=True, random_state=0)
             # Perform clustering calculation
          plt.plot(range(2, 7), distortions, marker='o')
          plt.xlabel('Number of clusters')


    code above will return a plot like this, you can see slop become more gentle when value of x equal 5, so we confirm number of clustering is 5, but you'd better to draw the centriod to check correct categories, we finally choose 4 categories after drawing centriods of 4 and 5 categories condition.

    but sometimes it is doesn't obvious just by this way, so we suggest use yellowbrick lib to visualize k-elow-law:

      from yellowbrick.cluster import KElbowVisualizer	
      #Instantiate the clustering model and visualizer
      model = KShape(n_init=1, verbose=True, random_state=0)
      #distortion: mean sum of squared distances to centers
      #silhouette: mean ratio of intra-cluster and nearest-cluster distance
      #calinski_harabasz: ratio of within to between cluster dispersion
      visualizer = KElbowVisualizer(model, k=(4,10),metric='distortion')
           # Fit the data to the visualizer        # Finalize and render the figure

    here are visualizations of elbow law using three evaluation indexs with yellowbrick lib.

now we can apply KShape to image data we got above with 51 bands, you can just cluster Univariate data, also you can cluster Multivariate data.

First of all, read data and convert to fomat of time series.

  • for univariate data clustering, like ndvi ts data [length(number of ts), time_span(51 for this), variate(1 for this)]

    import rasterio
    #Load the .tif image
    with"./NDVI51years.tif") as src:
        image_data =
        row = image_data.shape[1]
        column = image_data.shape[2]
        # Reshape to (rows, columns, bands)
        transposed_image_data = np.transpose(image_data, (1, 2, 0))
    print('transposed shape:', transposed_image_data.shape)
    #Reshape the image data to (rows * columns, bands)
    img_data = transposed_image_data.reshape(-1,transposed_image_data.shape[2])
    print('reshaped shape:', img_data.shape)
  • for multivariate data clustering,like [ndvi, tcg, tcw] ts data [length(number of ts), time_span(51 for this), variate(3 for this)]

    import rasterio
    import numpy as np
    from rasterio.transform import Affine
    #define image paths
    image_paths = [
    #read image data and reshape to 4D array
    combined_array = []
    for path in image_paths:
    	with as src:
        	array =
        	reshaped_array = array.reshape(array.shape[0], -1)
        	if path == image_paths[0]:
          		metadata = src.profile
    #convert list to array
    combined_array = np.array(combined_array)
    #transpose array to fomat as requires
    combined_array = combined_array.transpose(2, 1, 0)
    #save as npy file, you will don't need to read raster data again and again"/*/tsdata_samples_51_3.npy",combined_array)
    #save metadata
    with'/*/metadata.tif', 'w', **metadata) as dst:

    Second, draw centroid of clustering, take a look at how kshape breaks down the data into categories

4 categories univariate in the left and 5 categories mulitvariate in the right

Finally, check the result after kshape clustering(univariate for left and multivariate for right)🥳


These steps will cost lots of time, keep patient🛏️.


but now😕, another question is how to evaluate accuracy of kshape clustering❓

alas, tslearn does not seem to provide an evaluation method for KShape clustering. so we recommend you modify the source code to achieve it, more information click here. let's see how to realize it. Officially, three similarity measures, dtw-dba, softdtw, and Euclidean distance, are provided in tslearn, but nothing about KShape clustering. Notice that source code, there metric="precomputed", indicates that a user-defined distance metric is provided, which is good, and then the key to evaluating KShape using silhouette_score is here:

here is needed information about silhouette_score: it is an indicator that measures the tightness and separation of clustering results. It is based on the distance of each sample to other samples within the cluster to which it belongs and the distance to samples in the nearest cluster. The value range of the silhouette coefficient is between [-1, 1]. The closer the value is to 1, the better the sample clustering is. The closer the value is to -1, the worse the sample clustering is.

  • Positive value: indicates that the samples are clustered well, and the intra-cluster distance is closer than the inter-cluster distance.
  • Negative value: indicates that the samples are poorly clustered, and the distance within clusters is farther than the distance between clusters.
  • Close to 0: It means that the distance between samples within and between clusters is similar, and the clustering result is unclear.

here is e.g. of how to use silhouette_score calculation function silhouette_score(cdist_dtw(X),y_pred,metric="precomputed"), so you need to figure out what is cdist_dtw(X)❔. Actually the real name of it, is measuring distance of time series, different from Euclidean, dtw and softdtw. so here is definition of SBD which is foundation of kshape. $$ $SBD(\vec{x},\vec{y})=1-\max_{w}\left(\frac{CC_w(\vec{x},\vec{y})}{\sqrt{R_0(\vec{x},\vec{x})\cdot R_0(\vec{y},\vec{y})}}\right)$ $$ so we add the _get_norms function, which is responsible for calculating the modulus length, and the _my_cross_dist function, which returns the distance matrix of the temporal collection X, i.e., the matrix formed by the distance between each element in X.

def _get_norms(self,X):
    norms = []
    for x in X
        result = numpy.linalg.norm(x)
    norms = numpy.array(norms)
    return norms

def _my_cross_dist(self,X):
    norms = self._get_norms(X)
    return 1.-cdist_normalized_cc(X,X,norms1=norms,norms2=norms,self_similarity=False)

after this we test how it work🤯

import numpy as np
from tslearn.generators import random_walks
import tslearn.metrics as metrics
from tslearn.clustering import silhouette_score
def test_kshape_silhouette_score():
    seed = 0
    num_cluster = 2
    ks = KShape(n_clusters= num_cluster ,n_init= 5 ,verbose= True ,random_state=seed)
    X = random_walks(n_ts=20, sz=16, d=1) * 10
    #generate label radomly
    y_pred = np.random.randint(2, size=20)
    dists = ks._my_cross_dist(X)
    #set diagonal elments to zero
    #calculate silhouette score
    score = silhouette_score(dists,y_pred,metric="precomputed")


These steps will cost amounts of RAM resource, make sure enough ram space👽.

now, part of time series clustering is done. if you have interest about it, you also can try kmean➕dtw➕dba or kmeans➕softdtw. it's similar workflow. good luck😄

🙉STEP 4: Time Series Classification

  • Prepare Training Data

    we generate training data refer to paper3 and add some classic categories:

    • (1) The sample point was disturbed during the study period but not restored and failed to exhibit vegetation recovery. It is classified as DN and its NDVI values oscillate below the vegetation threshold after a sharp decrease (a).
    • (2) The sample point was disturbed during the study period and was still recovering at the end of the study period. It is classified as DR1 and its NDVI values decline sharply from a vegetated to a non- vegetated state, then increase gradually to a state of less than-full recovery with an upward trend in last several years (b).
    • (3) The sample point was disturbed during the study period and exhibited vegetative stability but did not exhibit full recovery. It is classified as DR2 and its NDVI values decline sharply from a vegetated to a non-vegetated state, then increase gradually to a vegetated status with NDVI values lower than pre-disturbance but with little change in last several years (c).
    • (4) The sample point was disturbed during the study period, was restored to be stable, and exhibited full vegetation recovery. It is classified as DR3 and its NDVI values decline sharply from a vegetated to a non-vegetated state, then increase gradually to a vegetated status that is approaching or exceeding pre-disturbance with little change in last several years (d).
    • (5) The sample point was disturbed prior to the study period and exhibited recovery but did not exhibit a stable state. It is classified as BD1 and its initial NDVI values of pixels are lower than the vegetation threshold but then increase gradually to a level that is no less than the vegetation threshold with an upward trend in last several years (e).
    • (6) The sample point was disturbed prior to the study period was restored to be stable. It is classified as BD2 and its initial NDVI values are lower than the vegetation threshold but then increase gradually to a level that is no less than the vegetation threshold with little change in last several years (f).
    • (7) The sample points exhibited disturbances two or more times (g and h). They are classified as CD, meaning that they had complex disturbance histories.

    we divide them to 6 categories and generate relative pure training data by code. They are {0 : downward, 1 : dowaward then upward, 2 : upward, 3 : upward then downward, 4 : stable, 5 : multi disturbance}

    Disturbance Disturbance-Recovery
    Recovery Recovery-Disturbance
    Stable Multi-Disturbance

  • Training Model

    see code we upload in repo., test it in validation dataset

    you can also draw picture to check predicted probability per true class and confusion matrix after training, like this(e.g. InceptionTime model):

  • Classification Result

    here are the classification result after training based on dataset we generated above.

    model info

Model training accuracy validation accuracy training loss validaion loss accuracy in imgs
InceptionTime 0.939286 0.9393 0.173723 0.157058 82%
Tansformer 0.941667 0.9542 0.571105 0.612427 80%
MiniRocket 0.939286 N/A 0.176533 0.186470 72%
CNN Classifier 0.921428 N/A N/A N/A 63%
TimeSeriesForest 0.939285 N/A N/A N/A 60%
BOSSVS 0.792857 N/A N/A N/A 53%

  • 🖼️Time Series to Image

    • convert time series to images classification

    we use tsai a friendly ts learning lib to achieve it. there are several methods to convert ts data to images:😮

    • TSToPlot: Create matplotlib line plots
    • TSToMat: Create a matplotlib imshow figure
    • TSToGADF: Create an image based on Gramian angle difference field transformation
    • TSToGASF: Creates an image based on Gramian angle summation field transformation
    • TSToMTF: Create image based on Markov transfer field transformation
    • TSToRP: Create images based on recursive graph transformations

    you can realize it by following code:

      import numpy as np
      import pandas as pd
      from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
      import tsai
      # Read the CSV file
      df = pd.read_csv('./datasets.csv')
      # Convert the 'dataset' column to numpy arrays
      df['dataset'] = df['dataset'].apply(lambda x: np.array(eval(x)))
      # Convert DataFrame to numpy arrays
      data = np.stack(df['dataset'].values)
      # Reshape the data to a three-dimensional array
      data = data.reshape(data.shape[0], 1, data.shape[1])
      # Extract labels
      labels = df['label'].values
      X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data, labels, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
      X, y, splits = combine_split_data([X_train, X_test], [y_train, y_test])
      tfms = [None, Categorize()]
      bts = [[TSNormalize(), TSToPlot()],
             [TSNormalize(), TSToMat(cmap='viridis')],
             [TSNormalize(), TSToGADF(cmap='spring')],
             [TSNormalize(), TSToGASF(cmap='summer')],
             [TSNormalize(), TSToMTF(cmap='autumn')],
             [TSNormalize(), TSToRP(cmap='winter')]]
      btns = ['Plot', 'Mat', 'GADF', 'GASF', 'MTF', 'RP']
      for i, (bt, btn) in enumerate(zip(bts, btns)):
          dsets = TSDatasets(X, y, tfms=tfms, splits=splits)
          dls = TSDataLoaders.from_dsets(dsets.train,
                                         bs=[64, 128],
          xb, yb = dls.train.one_batch()
          print(f'\n\ntfm: TSTo{btn} - batch shape: {xb.shape}')


    ts data will be displayed as image like this:

    we choose use TsToGADF to create image after comparison. vasualize result after it:

    • begin training

epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 1.825284 1.758930 0.225000 00:09
1 1.620805 1.517212 0.496429 00:08
2 1.432231 1.289679 0.607143 00:08
97 0.000065 0.233326 0.946429 00:08
98 0.000066 0.248137 0.946429 00:08
99 0.000064 0.244490 0.950000 00:08

  • apply model to RS image

      from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
      #Initialize the MinMaxScaler
      scaler = MinMaxScaler()
      #Fit and transform the data
      norm_data = scaler.fit_transform(img_data)
      #Reshape the data back to standard shape
      norm_data = to3d(norm_data)
      -->(389360, 1, 51)
      #Unlabelled data
      test_ds = dls.dataset.add_test(norm_data)
      test_dl =
      -->(TSImage(shape:torch.Size([64, 1, 224, 224])),)
      test_probas, test_targets, test_decoded = learn.get_preds(dl=test_dl, with_decoded=True, save_preds=None)

📡STEP 5: SAR Detection

LT will output yodchange map which means the years of disturbance. for our study region, it would be like this:

use python code we provided to calculate most frequent year of disturbance, we can get this:

we use images captured by Sentinel-1 A&B satellites, but consider that Sentinel was launched in 2014, so we choose another disturbance year, 2019/04/02~2020/10/19, both A&B satellites, ascending pass(fake color combination with band cmap, smap and fmap)

For a time series of k images, the exported change map consists of k+2 bands, we gather 49 images, namely 51 bands.

  • cmap: the interval of the most recent change, one band, byte values ∈[0,k−1] , where 0 = no change.
  • smap: the interval of the first change, one band, byte values ∈[0,k−1] , where 0 = no change.
  • fmap: the number of changes, one band, byte values ∈[0,k−1] , where 0 = no changes.
  • bmap: the changes in each interval, k−1 bands, byte values ∈[0,3] , where 0 = no change, 1 = positive definite change, 2 = negative definite change, 3 = indefinite change.

Proportion of changed pixels in a small region in Salty Lake City for a 49-image time sequence. There were about 360000 pixels in the aoi. Note the (approximate) alternation of arrivals (positive definite changes) and departures (negative definite changes).

😣Analyze later....

Output Images


  • classification result accuracy evaluation
  • add more reliable class to classify dataset
  • remote sensing mapping
  • sar change detection
  • D-InSAR detect surface deformation


  1. Kennedy, Robert E., Yang, Zhiqiang, & Cohen, Warren B. (2010). Detecting trends in forest disturbance and recovery using yearly Landsat time series: 1. LandTrendr - Temporal segmentation algorithms. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 2897-2910

  2. John Paparrizos Columbia University Luis Gravano Columbia University k-Shape: Efficient and Accurate Clustering of Time Series.

  3. Zhen Yang, Jing Li, Carl E. Zipper, Yingying Shen, Hui Miao, Patricia F. Donovan, Identification of the disturbance and trajectory types in mining areas using multitemporal remote sensing images,Science of The Total Environment,Volume 644,2018,Pages 916-927,ISSN 0048-9697,


This repo use long-term series remote sensing image data obtained by LLR and LT for time series clustering and classification based on deep learning.








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