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Notewarrior is a tool to help you manage your plain-text notes. It has evolved a lot since it started out because I started using vimwiki more and more to actually organize and write my notes. Thus, notewarrior has gotten to a point where it tries to get out of your way and only supplements the actual usage of vimwiki. It does so by providing the following features:

  • allows basic add/edit/delete/list/show/open functionality for your notes
  • provides pandoc markdown integration for vimwiki by installing a custom wiki2html_pandoc binary
  • automatically tracks your Notes folder with gitwatch
  • using git it allows history rollback and undo/redo functionality
  • provides the markdown2ctags script to integrate well with tagbar


You can install notewarrior by simply running:

git clone
cd notewarrior
make install


Please ensure that the following programs are installed:


Integration with tagbar

Add the following to your vim configuration:

" Add support for vimwiki markdown-based files in tagbar
let g:tagbar_type_vimwiki = {
            \ 'ctagstype': 'markdown',
            \ 'ctagsbin' : '/usr/local/bin/markdown2ctags',
            \ 'ctagsargs' : '-f - --sort=no --sro=::',
            \ 'kinds' : [
            \ 's:sections',
            \ ],
            \ 'sro' : '::',
            \ 'kind2scope' : {
            \ 's' : 'section',
            \ },
            \ 'sort': 0,
            \ }

List of Commands

  • init: initialize note directory
  • deinit: removes all user data (use with care!)
  • list: list notes (with filters)
  • show: print note
  • open: open converted note (pdf/html argument)
  • info: show metadata about note (incl. history)
  • add: adds a note
  • edit: edits a note
  • move: moves an existing note
  • delete: deletes an existing note (or multiple)
  • undo/redo: un/redo last change (based on git history)

List of Configuration options

Configuration files may be placed in ~/.noterc or ~/.config/notewarrior/config or specified at runtime via the -c <CONFIG> command line option.

  • DIRECTORY: path to the notes directory (default: ~/.notes)
  • EXTENSION: file extension for notes (default: md)
  • ENABLE_GITWATCH: whether to autostart gitwatch (default: true) [true or false]