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This application demonstrates the integration of Apache Kafka, Keycloak, and the Elastic Stack ( Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) with Spring Cloud. It continuously retrieves market data from an external source and processes it through a microservices architecture.


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1. Project Overview

This application demonstrates the integration of Apache Kafka, Keycloak, and the Elastic Stack ( Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) with Spring Cloud. It continuously retrieves market data from an external source and processes it through a microservices architecture. This architecture not only handles and secures data effectively but also uses the Elastic Stack to centralize logging across all microservices, enhancing system capabilities and operational transparency.

Application Architecture Overview Application Architecture Overview

Centralized Configuration Management Overview Centralized Configuration Management Overview

Log Management Overview with the Elastic Stack Log Management Overview with the Elastic Stack

  • Stock Quote Producer: This service retrieves market data via an external API and publishes it to a Kafka message queue.

  • Stock Quote Consumer: This service listens to the Kafka message queue. Upon receiving data, it processes and forwards the information to the Stock Data Service via the Spring Cloud Gateway.

  • Stock Data Service: Provides CRUD operations for database management. This service is secured with Keycloak, ensuring that all interactions are authenticated and authorized.

  • Gateway Service: This service acts as a central point for routing traffic to the appropriate microservices within the architecture. It simplifies the network design and provides a single entry point to manage incoming requests.

  • Discovery Service: Utilizes "Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka" to function as a service registry. This component helps in maintaining an up-to-date list of services available, enabling dynamic discovery across microservices.

  • Config Service: Manages and stores configurations for all microservices in a centralized manner. This ensures that all components have a consistent configuration state and can be easily managed and updated.

  • Keycloak: Serves as the authentication server that secures microservices by managing and storing user credentials and roles. It ensures that only authorized users can access the services, using OpenID Connect.

  • PostgreSQL: Utilized as the relational database management system providing two schemas setups. One schema is dedicated to storing Keycloak's security and user management data, while the other manages market data processed by the application.

  • Kafka: Functions as the central messaging queue that facilitates communication between the Stock Quote Producer and Stock Quote Consumer. The Kafka ecosystem in this project includes a Schema Registry for managing message schemas, Zookeeper for cluster coordination, and a Kafka Broker for handling message storage and retrieval.

  • Elasticsearch (es01): Acts as a highly scalable search and analytics engine. It stores, searches, and analyzes big volumes of data quickly and in near real-time, making it a foundational component in the Elastic Stack.

  • Logstash: Serves as a data processing pipeline that ingests data from multiple sources simultaneously, transforms it into JSON format, and then forwards it to Elasticsearch.

  • Kibana: Provides powerful visualizations for data stored in Elasticsearch.

2. Getting Started

2.1 Pre-requisites

Before you begin, ensure you have the following software installed on your system:

  • Docker: Used for hosting and managing application containers.
  • Maven: Required for building the project.
  • Java JDK 17 or higher: Necessary to run the Spring Boot applications.
  • Postman: Recommended for testing and interacting with the application through its API endpoints.

2.2 Configure the Application

  • This application retrieves market data from Twelve Data. To access this data, you must first register for an account at the Twelve Data website and obtain an API key. Once you have your API key, replace the existing key in the file of config-service/src/main/resources/api-key.yml with your new key.

  • By default, the application retrieves stock data for AAPL, NVDA and TSLA from Twelve Data for every minute. To customize this setting, edit the twelve-config section in theconfig-service/src/main/resources/stock-quote-producer.yml file.

2.3 Build the Application

  • Go to the root folder
  • Run mvn install -Pbuild-image to build the images
  • Run docker image ls to list the images for verification
    Name Description Gateway Service Stock Quote Consumer Config Service Discovery Service Stock Data Service Stock Quote Producer

2.4 Start the Application

  • Run cd docker-compose to switch to the "docker-compose" directory.
  • Open three separate terminal windows for executing the following commands
    • Run docker-compose up stock-quote-producer to launch the stock quote producer along with its related dependencies.
    • Run docker-compose up stock-quote-consumer to launch the stock quote consumer along with its related dependencies.
    • Run watch docker ps to continuously monitor all components, ensuring they reach a healthy status.
  • Please note that starting all modules may take approximately 5 minutes. During this time, monitor the output to ensure that all components are initializing correctly and check for any errors.

2.5 Test the Application

  • Import postman/Stock-Application-API.postman_collection.json into Postman, there are six API requests as below
    • Get Access Token (Full Control)
    • Get Access Token (Read)
    • Get All Available Stocks
    • Get Stock Details (Symbol / Exchange)
    • Get Stock Details (Id)
    • Save Stock Data

2.5.1 Scenario 1 (Unauthorized Request)

  • Execute the Get All Available Stocks API request.

2.5.2 Scenario 2 (Forbidden Request)

  • Obtain an access token from Keycloak by running the Get Access Token (Read) API request.
  • Execute the Save Stock Data API request.

2.5.3 Scenario 3 (Authorized Request)

  • Obtain an access token from Keycloak by running the Get Access Token (Read) API request.
  • Execute the Get All Available Stocks API request.

2.5.4 Scenario 4 (Continuous Data Retrieval)

  • Obtain an access token from Keycloak by running the Get Access Token (Read) API request.
  • Execute the Get Stock Details (Symbol / Exchange) API request. Ensure to update the parameter as necessary based on the output from the Get All Available Stocks request.
  • Wait for 1 minute and repeat the Get Stock Details (Symbol / Exchange) request to verify continuous data fetching.

2.6 Database

There are two database schemas in this application

Keycloak Database

  • URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/keycloak_db
  • User: admin
  • Password: password

Market Database

  • URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/market_db
  • User: admin
  • Password: password

2.7 Keycloak

Upon startup, Keycloak will import the stockapp realm defined in the docker-compose/keycloak/stockapp-realm-export.json file. This realm includes two clients: stockapp-read-api and stockapp-full-control-api, each specifying different permissions within the application.

Administration Console

2.8 Kibana

View and analyze logs through Kibana using the administration console.

Administration Console

3. How It Works

Stay tuned for more subsections coming soon!

4. What’s Next

  • Develop the 'How It Works' Section: A new section titled 'How It Works' will be created to provide in-depth explanations and guides on integrating key components such as Keycloak Server and Kafka into the application.
  • Transition to KRaft: With ZooKeeper being marked as deprecated since the 3.5.0 release of Apache Kafka, this project will shift to using the KRaft metadata system. This move follows recommendations from Apache to adopt their newer approach for metadata management.
  • Implement Frontend: Develop a user interface to display market data. This frontend will consume the backend API to present data dynamically to users.
  • Secure Free Hosting: Identify and utilize a free hosting solution to make the application accessible to a wider audience without any setup required on the user's end.


This application demonstrates the integration of Apache Kafka, Keycloak, and the Elastic Stack ( Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) with Spring Cloud. It continuously retrieves market data from an external source and processes it through a microservices architecture.








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